
"Where do I belong?"

  • Definition of Community and Community Detection
  • Update NetworkX
  • Girvan-Newman Community Detection
  • K-Cliques Community Detection


Communities (also called partitions, clusters, groupings) in networks are sets of nodes that are more densely connected within a community than between other communities.

Community detection aims to reveal underlying community structure and can be handled in several different ways.

Get the 2.0dev version of Networkx

$ pip install git+

to undo:

$ conda env update environment.yml

In [1]:
%reload_ext watermark
%watermark -p networkx

networkx 2.0.dev_20160913135019

In [2]:
import networkx as nx
from import k_clique_communities, girvan_newman

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

In [3]:
GA = nx.read_gexf('../data/ga_graph.gexf')

Girvan Newman Algorithm

The Girvan–Newman algorithm detects communities by progressively removing edges from the original graph. The algorithm removes the “most valuable” edge, traditionally the edge with the highest betweenness centrality, at each step. As the graph breaks down into pieces, the tightly knit community structure is exposed.

NetworkX's girvan_newman returns:

Iterator over tuples of sets of nodes in G. Each set of nodes is a community, each tuple is a sequence of communities at a particular level of the algorithm.

In [4]:
gn_comm = girvan_newman(GA)

In [5]:
first_iteration_comm = tuple(sorted(c) for c in next(gn_comm))

In [6]:

{0: ['addison',
  'mrs. seabury',
 1: ['adele', 'chief', 'ellis grey', 'susan grey', 'thatch grey'],
 2: ['bailey', 'ben', 'tucker'],
 3: ['altman', 'colin', 'owen', 'preston', 'yang']}

In [7]:
def map_communities(G, communities):
    """Return a mapping of community membership from a community set tuple"""
    community_map = {}
    for node in G.nodes():
        for i, comm in enumerate(communities):
            if node in comm:
                community_map[node] = i
        if community_map.get(node, None) is None:
            community_map[node] = None
    return community_map

In [8]:
from helpers import create_color_map

In [9]:
community_map = map_communities(GA, first_iteration_comm)

nx.set_node_attributes(GA, 'community', community_map)

node_colors, color_map, palette = create_color_map(GA, 'community')

In [10]:
nx.draw(GA, node_color=node_colors, with_labels=True)

In [11]:
second_comm = tuple(sorted(c) for c in next(gn_comm))

community_map_2 = map_communities(GA, second_comm)

nx.set_node_attributes(GA, 'community two', community_map_2)

node_colors, color_map, palette = create_color_map(GA, 'community two')

In [12]:
nx.draw(GA, node_color=node_colors, with_labels=True)

K-Clique Communities

a clique is a subset of vertices of an undirected graph such that its induced subgraph is complete; that is, every two distinct vertices in the clique are adjacent.

A k-clique community is the union of all cliques of size k that can be reached through adjacent (sharing k-1 nodes) k-cliques.

A graph with

  • 23 × 1-vertex cliques (the vertices),
  • 42 × 2-vertex cliques (the edges),
  • 19 × 3-vertex cliques (light and dark blue triangles), and
  • 2 × 4-vertex cliques (dark blue areas).

In [13]:
k_clique = k_clique_communities(GA, 2)

In [14]:

{0: frozenset({'addison',
            'mrs. seabury',
 1: frozenset({'adele', 'chief', 'ellis grey', 'susan grey', 'thatch grey'}),
 2: frozenset({'bailey', 'ben', 'tucker'})}

In [15]:
k_clique = k_clique_communities(GA, 3)


In [16]:
print("Percent of ALL edges that could exist: %0.2f" % (nx.density(GA) * 100))

Percent of ALL edges that could exist: 6.85

Karate Club Time

In [17]:
Karate = nx.karate_club_graph()

In [18]:
gn_comm = girvan_newman(Karate)

first_comm = tuple(sorted(c) for c in next(gn_comm))

community_map = map_communities(Karate, first_comm)

nx.set_node_attributes(Karate, 'community gn', community_map)

node_colors, color_map, palette = create_color_map(Karate, 'community gn')

In [19]:
nx.draw(Karate, node_color=node_colors, with_labels=True)

In [20]:
k_clique = k_clique_communities(Karate, 3)

k_clique_comm = [list(community) for community in k_clique]

community_map = map_communities(Karate, k_clique_comm)

nx.set_node_attributes(Karate, 'community k-clique', community_map)

node_colors, color_map, palette = create_color_map(Karate, 'community k-clique')

In [21]:
nx.draw(Karate, node_color=node_colors, with_labels=True)


In [22]:
import pandas as pd

In [23]:
club_community = [Karate.node[node] for node in Karate.nodes()]

club_df = pd.DataFrame(club_community)

In [24]:
pd.crosstab(club_df['club'], club_df['community gn'])

community gn 0 1
Mr. Hi 15 2
Officer 0 17

In [25]:
pd.crosstab(club_df['club'], club_df['community k-clique'])

community k-clique 0.0 1.0 2.0
Mr. Hi 10 0 6
Officer 13 3 0

More Community Detection Algorithms

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